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Yudonosan Sanrojo

Yudonosan Sanrojo

Yudonosan sanrojo




Yudonosan Sanrojo is a pilgrim lodge and a lunch restaurant in Mt. Yudono. It is located next to the giant torii gate in Yudonosan Senninzawa. Mt. Yudono being the last mountain traditionally visited by pilgrims in Dewa Sanzan, the food served in Mt. Yudono symbolizes the end of the Dewa Sanzan Pilgrimage: it is called "shojin-otoshi" ("the relief of the training") as opposed to "shojin-ryori" ("the food for spiritual elevation").
Because shojin-otoshi food releases the pilgrim from the dietary restrictions he has to follow during his training, you will find fish in large quantities in Yudono's meals.
For vegan options, please specify your dietary restrictions to Yudonosan Sanrojo 3 days in advance.

(주문하기 전에 제한 사항을 정확히 기재하십시오) :






From late April to early November

점심 평균 가격(1인):


전화 번호:



Japan, 〒997-0532 山形県鶴岡市田麦俣六十里山7



주변 볼거리:

Honmyoji Temple

Honmyoji Temple


Meet here the first of the Yudono Sokushinbutsu mummies: Honmyokai-shonin.

Churenji Temple

Churenji Temple


Where you will find the mummy of Tetsumonkai and a bright pop-art ceiling in the same temple.

Dainichibo Temple

Dainichibo Temple


The temple that entombs the mummy of Shinnyokai.

DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourism Bureau (General Incorporated Association)

Address: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA East Building, 2nd floor, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

TEL: (+81) 0235-26-1218


사용 언어:

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dewa sanzan, dewasanzan, dewa mountains, Yamagata, Tohoku, Yamabushi, northern Japan, go to dewa sanzan, haguro, hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuruoka, Sokushinbutsu, unesco gastronomy, hiking in Japan, go to tohoku, tohoku travel, tsuruoka yamagata, tsuruoka, tsuruoka city, shonai, shonai region, shônai, shônai region, unesco creative, pagoda, Japan heritage, kamo aquarium,

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  • dewa sanzan, dewasanzan, dewa mountains, Yamagata, Tohoku, Yamabushi, northern Japan, go to dewa san
  • yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuruoka, Sokushinbutsu, unesco gastronomy
  • hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuru
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